I have regular bowel movements. So is NaeClear necessary then?
An estimated 60% of North Americans are constipated due to the western diet and sitting lifestyle. Discussing the subject matter of excretion may be very personal. Most people do not care to discuss it openly as a result. But it is such an important function of our body.
Excretion is more important than ingestion, digestion or circulation. Imagine if all of the drains of your house no longer functioned or were backed up. Your toilet only flushed once a day, your sink only drained once every few days and your garbage was only collected every month. You'll quickly realize that getting rid of the waste is more important than all of the good air, food, and water coming into the house. Once the waste is efficiently removed, then the good inputs can be enjoyed and circulated.
Can you take care of your teeth without any dental floss, toothpaste and a toothbrush? These are not natural and yet we use these many times each day. We use these instruments to clean our teeth, our mouth. We also use shampoo, soap and water to clean our body.
So why not cleanse our colon with water?
We need NaeClear to cleanse our colon because our lifestyle has made us unnatural. Our bodies are made to be mobile, to eat healthy, natural, organic foods, to breathe in clean air and drink clean water. However, sitting all day, being tied to a schedule, eating quickly have all led to a colon that is not able to excrete its colonic gasses and waste material in an efficient manner.
Babies and animals go whenever they need to. As many times as they eat, they go. Three meals. Three bowel movements. Is your colon normally that active? Our colon is full of gasses and waste. We carry these around with us, like excess baggage. We live with it, we sleep with it. Why store it and keep it any longer than we need to?
Will I be able to have a natural bowel movement after?
Although the muscles in the colon are smooth muscle and they move when stimulated by pressure or distention, when something is inside of it, any muscle gets toned with use and continuous use. The more the muscles in the colon are active, the more toned they become, just like any other muscles. This allows faster movement of waste materials and colonic gasses inside of the colon.
After you do NaeClear, your colon will be free of feces, undigested food and colonic gasses. However, the meal you ate prior to doing NaeClear will eventually pass through the colon 8-12 hours later and your colon will fill up again. So as long as we are eating, we should be excreting. NaeClear promotes healthy bowel function and excretion, not hinder it.
Each night with the first round of cleansing I notice large white pieces of material that look like old skin, I liken it to a snake shedding it’s skin. What is this?
When the colon is cleansed daily with water, you may notice the lining of the colon, the colonic epithelium, being shed and some mucous discharge. This normally comes out with the stool, typically composed of a third of colonic gases, a third of food remnants, and a third of bacteria and this old epithelium.
Red blood cells generate every 120 days (20 trillion of them), so we are making 167 billion new red blood cells per day. Skin generates every 30 days (our outside skin), and the colon regenerates every 3-4 days. The goblet cells in the colon also secrete mucus, which lines and protects the intestine. This is what you are seeing visibly and the colon epithelial cells. Liken it to an inner shower of your colon, where all the dirty waste and bacterial byproducts are usually transiting and sitting.
This is akin to your skin epithelial lining being washed off as it matures and new epithelial cells take its place.
Can repeated colon cleanses lead to a disruption in the intestine’s natural bacteria, which can lead to an increased risk of intestinal infections?
Infection is a risk from any port of entry, be it the mouth, the nose, breaks in the skin and the anus. If you introduce viruses, bacteria or parasites into a port of entry, there is a risk of infection. Reducing bacterial load unevenly can lead to overgrowth of other bacteria which typically happens with antibiotics (which reduce certain types of bacteria, leading to the overgrowth of others and affecting absorption of water, leading to diarrhea etc).
Introducing clean purified water does not disrupt the balance of bacteria but reduces the overall load of bacteria. The bacterial flora will grow back very quickly ... within hours.
Colonic irrigation with clean water will reduce the amount of food remnants which the colonic bacteria feast on, thereby reducing the growth of bacteria.
It is the reason why you wash your hands, take a shower and why you brush your teeth (to get rid of the food remnants that the bacteria in your mouth feast on and grow, producing its by products that lead to plaque).
99% of the 1 Trillion bacteria on your body reside in your colon. It makes sense to reduce the food they multiply on and also reduce their number by promoting colonic mobility and blood flow.